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Jon Nastor's Hack the Entrepreneur

I wrote a book.

It's called How to Stop Procrastinating, Build a Business, and Do Work That Matters.

9,264 people bought it. You can get it for free at Hack the Entrepreneur Book.

Jun 29, 2015

My guest today is the founder and CEO of multiple successful businesses, including and Delinquent Distribution.

Most recently, and alongside Dan "Punkass" Caldwell (the founder of Tapout clothing), she has created, which offers a 6-week course on how to run a successful t-shirt business.


Jun 25, 2015

My guest today is the founder and CEO of Small Business Trends, an award-winning online publication, which offers breaking news and advice for small business owners.

My guest is a former corporate attorney that left corporate life and founded Small Business Trends in 2003.

She is considered an authoritative voice on...

Jun 22, 2015

My guest for today wasn’t always an entrepreneur, in fact, my guest attended Harvard and worked in investment banking at Goldman Sachs, policy work for the National Economic Council at the White House,and political organizing for the Service Employees International Union. But then he gave it all up to become...

Jun 16, 2015

Today’s guest is an artist, musician and entrepreneur who made his first record when he was 12, began playing in clubs when he was 14 and started his own music publishing company at 18.

My guests passion for music and technology led him to found music licensing firm Rumblefish in his college dorm room. The company...

Jun 15, 2015


My guest today is a brilliant technology entrepreneur with incredibly lofty goals for himself and his business.

He is the founder and C.E.O. of, a global online freelancing and crowdsourcing marketplace, but this is in no way his first entrepreneurial venture. To date, has acquired 18...