Feb 28, 2017
My guest today is a former digital nomad, writer, podcaster, and a smart entrepreneur.
In 2007, my guest and his business partner started an eCommerce business. They spent eight years growing it into a multiple 7-figure per year business and then sold it in 2015.
In this time, he also started the Dynamite Circle, a...
Feb 27, 2017
Before today’s guest built a successful company in China, he was just a wandering 20-year-old backpacker, only looking for an adventure.
He planned on making a brief stop in the city of Beijing to earn some funds, see the Great Wall and move onto his next adventure.
Turns out it would do more than just earn him...
Feb 21, 2017
My guest today is a copywriter, funnel maker, and an entrepreneur.
Back in 2014, my guest ran marketing and sales for a $10M consulting firm. While there, one of his focuses was digital marketing. After studying it relentlessly, he found out how much he enjoyed helping businesses grow.
He is now the founder of...
Feb 20, 2017
As entrepreneurs, we tend to focus on building products and providing services. We have a tendency to think that if we create something valuable enough, customers will flood in the door. Yet, we hear crickets.
SEO — or search engine optimization — is not only about getting visitors to your website, it’s about...
Feb 16, 2017
Today’s guest is an entrepreneur that is doing some awesome things, has a great business and I feel that he is going to do some seriously big things in the coming years.
He co-founded FE International in 2010, growing the business with zero start-up funds from scratch to the 7-figure business it is today.