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Jon Nastor's Hack the Entrepreneur

I wrote a book.

It's called How to Stop Procrastinating, Build a Business, and Do Work That Matters.

9,264 people bought it. You can get it for free at Hack the Entrepreneur Book.

Oct 21, 2019

Learn how you can save time and money with Intuit Quickbooks. Go to

My guest today is a bestselling author, award-winning advertiser, and entrepreneur.

Jason Harris is the CEO of the creative agency Mekanism and the cofounder of the Creative Alliance.

At Mekanism, Jason has helped the agency produce...

Oct 11, 2019

Dave Munson of Saddleback Leather Co. spent several years journeying across North America with his dog to create bags and other products made to outlast their owners. Their slogan is: They'll fight over it when you're dead.

His founding story is one of legend. He spent three years living in a $100 a month apartment in...