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Jon Nastor's Hack the Entrepreneur

I wrote a book.

It's called How to Stop Procrastinating, Build a Business, and Do Work That Matters.

9,264 people bought it. You can get it for free at Hack the Entrepreneur Book.

Nov 30, 2017

Mike Trotzke is tech investor, advisor, and entrepreneur.

He is co-founder and CEO of Cheddar, a billing platform built for developers. Since founding Cheddar in 2009, they have grown organically, and as of the summer of 2017, they’ve received their first funding round of $1.2 million.

In this conversation, we discuss...

Nov 27, 2017

My guest today has jumped out of hundreds of planes, is an Ironman triathlete, and an entrepreneur.

He started his career at America Online as a Senior News Editor. He helped to found the AOL Newsroom and spearheaded coverage of the Democratic and Republican 1996 conventions. He then started a PR firm called The Geek...

Nov 23, 2017

My guest today is a CEO, he’s insanely focused, and is a brilliant entrepreneur.

He started his career working for some fast-growing startups — in a few years he went from BrickHouse Security, BabyAge, and onto Bonobos.

Almost five years ago, he co-founded BounceX and has scaled at an incredible pace to now running...

Nov 21, 2017

My guest today is a serial entrepreneur, product evangelist, and combat-decorated Air Force pilot.

He started his career in the Air Force before moving into software and entrepreneurship back in the ‘90s, when he co-founded Trio Development, which was acquired by Apple.

He is now the co-founder and CEO of Smartling, a...

Nov 17, 2017

My guest today is Mike Faith of, which has over 943,722 customers.

My guest started in 1997 when he couldn't find a supplier with a good selection of headsets, fast shipping, or good product support.

My guest says he is fanatic about giving customer love; so much so that every package the...