Feb 29, 2016
My guest today is a blogger, podcaster, voracious reader, and an entrepreneur.
My guest hasn’t always been running her own business and doing her own thing. In 2003, her husband passed away at 32 years old. Being widowed with a 2-year-old and 6-year-old drove my guest to find something she could do from home. She also...
Feb 23, 2016
My guest today is a lead generation expert, online marketer, author, and an entrepreneur.
In 2015, he was awarded the 30 Under 30 award from Anthill Australia. As well as a spot on Perth’s Influential 100 list in 2014 and 2015.
He is currently the founder of Your Social Voice, an Australian social media lead...
Feb 22, 2016
My guest today is a mother, former school administrator, blogger, and an entrepreneur.
Back in late summer 2008, my guest began couponing — like, really couponing. She loves to cook and loved the challenge of coming up with a meal that costs under $5.
One night as my guest was cleaning up the dishes from dinner, she...
Feb 18, 2016
Today’s guest is a software engineer, master of automation, and an entrepreneur.
He started his career as a software developer and spent many years honing his craft before going out on his own. Today, he is the founder and CEO of iSpionage, a competitive analysis software tool for search engine advertising. With over...
Feb 16, 2016
My guest today is a former professional stand-up comedian, a copywriter, consultant, and an entrepreneur.
His unique background as a nightclub comic and in-the-trenches salesperson provide a rare spectrum of experience and ability. Today, as the founder and head of Copy Chief, my guest is one of the most...