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Jon Nastor's Hack the Entrepreneur

I wrote a book.

It's called How to Stop Procrastinating, Build a Business, and Do Work That Matters.

9,264 people bought it. You can get it for free at Hack the Entrepreneur Book.

Jun 20, 2016

My guest today is an organizer, leader, and an executive assistant-turned entrepreneur.

She began her career as an executive assistant to keynote speakers, bestselling authors, and public figures.

Through hard work, determination, and ambition, my guest began getting requests to work with more and more clients, yet there was only one of her to do the work.

So she founded Priority VA and started hiring virtual assistants. Today she has grown a team of 54 VAs working under her. Her husband also joined her full-time in the business, and she shows no sign of slowing down.

Now, let’s hack…

Trivinia Barber.

In this 37-minute episode Trivinia Barber and I discuss:

  • Treating every day as if you're still building your business and avoiding complacency
  • How Trivinia went from Virtual Assistant to creating a team of VAs working under her
  • The struggle of balancing a healthy work/life balance as an entrepreneur
  • Removing yourself as the bottleneck that’s preventing your business from growing
  • Choosing projects and ideas that fall in line with your time and values

The Show Notes